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HORSE + Feng Shui Astrology for May 2021

Horses need to be extra vigilant as the betrayal and robbery star enters your sector. Do not be too trusting of people around you as they may well harbor a hidden agenda. To protect against these betrayal energies, carry the Anti-Betrayal Amulet or the Anti- Burglary Amulet. Unexpected expenses could also crop up this month. But wealth luck is good, so continue to activate for wealth by displaying the Asset Wealth Bull on your desk and by carrying a Wealth Amulet. Married horses should beware of third parties causing problems in their marriage; protect your relationship by displaying the Rooster with Crown in the South of the home. If single, best to not get involved in a new relationship this month. There is an indication that it is likely not to work out. Casual dating is fine but keeps things light for now. Do the Kali Blessing Puja! Note: Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, nutrition program. For investment etc.. consulting your money manager is important.



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