Feng Shui Astrology for November 2021 + SNAKE

For the Snake, Your luck improves as the misfortune star of last month gets replaced by the romance and literary star. All your relationships improve, with the distinct ability to turn enemies into friends. Carry the Popularity Amuletto activate this aspect of your luck. Make use of the auspicious energies to repair relationships that were affected by the previous month’s negative energies. At work, productivity increases; you have good ideas up your sleeve, which gets well received by colleagues, bosses, clients, and the people who matter. Don’t be shy when it comes to sharing! The only thing the Snake needs to pay attention to this month will be your partner’s feelings or close friends. As Snakes are feeling extra sociable, this may cause your partner to become insecure. Carry a Romance Amulet or a Rose Quartz to protect against outsides trying to come between you and your partner. Single Snakes are advised to take romantic relationships less seriously. Go slow. Physical encounters can lead to contracting a disease, so be careful! Namaste
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